Manu Gulati

Owner, Loops N Knots (Handicrafts), Ambala, Haryana

In an ecosystem filled with fleeting business ventures, my story is rooted deeper in the soil. Established in 2010, Loop N Knots was born from a vision to harmonize aesthetic appeal with ecological responsibility. As a brand dedicated to handicrafts, Loop N Knots wasn’t merely filling a market gap, but answering a call to fuse creative expression with environmental stewardship. This venture was my commitment to the growing demands for eco-conscious living, where each product stands as a testament – to enhance living spaces with minimal environmental impact.

Setting up Loop N Knots presented its own set of challenges. Sourcing high-quality, eco-friendly materials that resonated with my sustainable vision was daunting. Equally challenging was persuading artisans to join a startup, a task complicated by financial limitations and the inherent risks of new ventures. Yet, my dedication never wavered, fuelled by the conviction that Indian handicrafts deserved global recognition and that sustainability was more than a trend – it was the way forward.